Conserving energy

| Handling resources in a smart way

Conserving energy

Handling resources in a smart way

Handling resources in a smart way

Handling resources in a smart way



The sustainability team at DESY is happy to answer your questions and receive suggestions on energy-saving measures.

Measures to address the energy crisis

DESY takes the current energy crisis caused by the shortage of energy sources very seriously. DESY is committed to making its contribution to saving energy. Our aim is to keep research facilities and user operations from being restricted for as long as possible in order to fulfill DESY's public mandate as a leading international research centre: to make a decisive contribution to progress and innovation in order to meet the great challenges of our time.

Furthermore, DESY has been in dialogue with political decision-makers in order to ease the burden on energy-intensive research so as not to jeopardise progress and innovation. The decisions now taken on emergency gas aid and on the gas and electricity price brake include an additional hardship provision for particularly energy-intensive research institutions. This is an important signal for Germany as a science location and a necessary support for maintaining research and user operations at DESY.    

About 90 percent of the energy consumption at DESY is generated by accelerator operation, which is made as energy-efficient as possible through targeted measures. A DESY-wide working group is examining additional energy-saving potential as a contribution to the current energy crisis in all areas of the research infrastructure. 

Impulses for new routines for the smart use of our resources can be found on this website for all interested parties and our DESY employees.


Heating, ventilation and saving energy at the office

Icon Saving energy (436KB)

Hamburg saves energy - "Hamburg dreht das"

Energy conservation initiative by the city of Hamburg, supported by DESY (in German)


Extensive information from DESY's group on sustainability D6